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  3. Importing clients into Rithm

Importing clients into Rithm

The clients you see can be transferred from a spreadsheet into Rithm. It is the best way to get started because it personalizes Rithm with clients you know about. Rithm’s optimizer can then automatically create a great plan to see them based on where they are at, their availability, when you’ve seen them last and many other factors.

To import your clients:

  1. Save your spreadsheet as a CSV file onto your computer. Make note of where you’ve saved it.
  2. Go to the import page in Rithm.
    • If you’re new and have never added clients, you will see an “Add Clients” page in several parts of Rithm. That page has a “Import clients from a spreadsheet” button to begin the process.
    • If you already have clients but want to add or change them, go to “Settings” then select the “Import Client wizard” button.
  3. Typically you will want to setup new clients in Rithm from scratch. If so, on the left side of the import page select “Add new clients or replace all”.
  4. On the right side of that page select “Choose File” and enter where you saved the CSV file. Then select “Next”.
  5. On the following page you will map the columns in your CSV file to the columns Rithm knows about. Rithm will make its best guess but you can adjust that mapping.
  6. Select the “Import” button to transfer your CSV file into Rithm.
Updated on April 15, 2024
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